For anyone who might not know, NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) is the magical time that comes around every year where writers from around the world dedicate themselves to completing a novel in one month. November 1st marks the beginning of NaNoWriMo so we thought we’d give you a little inside look at what this whole thing is all about. On the surface it appears as a challenge to write a bunch of words in a small amount of time but it’s actually so much more! Whether you’re a writer or a reader, see below for only some of the reasons why we love NaNoWriMo!


Everything To Love about NaNoWriMo


1. A challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days (easy, right?)


2. Writing roughly 1,667 words a day


3. A chance to connect with friends and the writing community (online and IRL!)


4. Healthy competition that allows your NaNoWriMo buddies to encourage you and keep you on track


5. The push to finally get that story that’s been sitting in your brain onto paper (or computer screen)


6. Learning to embrace the suck (nothing can hold you back!)


7. An excuse to hide from your relatives during the holidays


8. A chance to test how much caffeine you truly need to function after a late night spent writing


9. Knowing what everyone on Twitter is talking about


10. One of the most challenging things you can do, but also one of the most rewarding!


If you are interested in taking part or want to learn more, check out the website. Let us know on social media if you’re participating this year!