Happy Monday!

We hope you’re all enjoying your days, especially those of you who have the day off. We have three extended excerpts for you to read that we’re sure will get you on your feet and to your nearest bookstore ASAP so you can finish the stories!

Additionally, we have two amazing full reads that you can enjoy. As you may know, the last week of September is Banned Books Week, but we wanted to honor our banned books all month-long. That’s why, during the month of September, all of our full reads will be banned books!

See below for more info on our featured reads:

Feral Youth edited by Shaun David Hutchinson


Ten teens choose to avoid their own personal truths and hide their secrets by creating a contest for who can tell the best stories. But they’ll soon realize that sometimes fiction can be more revealing than the truth ever could be.

Last True Love Story by Brendan Kiely


From the critically acclaimed author of The Gospel of Winter and the coauthor of All American Boys comes a cool, contemplative spin on hot summer nights and the classic teen love story as two teens embark on a cross-country journey of the heart and soul.

Zero Repeat Forever by G. S. Prendergast


The Nahx have invaded and no one is safe. Raven is alone in the wilderness and desperately trying to survive when she meets Eighth. Eighth is a Nahx with no name and no voice, only a rank  yet something about him is different. When he abandons his post and finds Raven, the two are forced to trust and rely on each other if they hope to make it through this dangerous invasion.

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins


Five troubled teenagers fall into prostitution as they search for freedom, safety, community, family, and love in this #1 New York Times bestselling novel from Ellen Hopkins.

Wake by Lisa McMann


Janie has a gift…or maybe it’s a curse.

Janie gets sucked into other people’s dreams. It’s not a choice and she doesn’t mean to invade other people’s privacy, but that’s exactly what happens. When troublemaker Cabel starts taking an interest in Janie, she’s flattered, but she feels guilty that she knows his darkest secrets. Luckily, he doesn’t seem to mind and he doesn’t appear to be the problem kid everyone always assumed he is. But, when a scandal tears it’s way through school and Janie may be the only one who can find the truth, Cabel’s sudden interest makes a bit more sense…